People use that term applied to any fish "structure". I've recently decided to give it a try. There are several kinds. I'm making some for a friend who has a pond near my house. He lets me catch bream for bait when I set lines at the river so I wanted to give something back. PVC. There are different ways to do them. I'm also doing some "stake bed" types (no pics yet). This one is what's called a "tree". I'm put easy crete in the cut 5 gal can then the mount. Makes is easy to move. Also makes it easy to hide and quickly put together in a boat if you don't want others to see where you're dropping them. Some fishermen like quick assembly because they put them in public waters where you're not supposed to. The PVC is next to impossible to pick up on a graph so they mark 'em with a GPS. I'll post a pic of the finished product after the concrete drys. Bucket. I actually saw this done with 55 gal drums. It's good to hold bait fish in an area. Ideally you would have 4. Two with smaller holes and two with bigger holes. You put some bricks, big rocks or pieces of broken concrete inside and sink 'em. Christmas trees. He was just tossing them in his lake. I used to also when we had a 10 acre lake. I recently learned a better way, mounting and sinking them. I also prune a little so the fish can get "inside" the cover more.
Tiga, my hat is off to you man. You are continually "working" on fishing. I never thought of "mounting" the Christmas trees like that. Also, I had never seen the pvc tree before, very cool. Thanks for the tips!
Thanks, I'm a busy-body. OCD...when I get something in my head I ride it hard- too hard usually. Wish you lived closer, I'd take you out fishing.
Those condos work very well, ive made them with the "arms" in an upward direction in about a 45 degree angle... helps keep jigs from hanging up on them. But very nicely done, ive never mounted trees that way either, looks like a good idea. I've usually just cut some areas of the tree out, kinda like thinning it out for the fish and dropped them on their side. But they hold a ton of fish. Very nicely done bro. What's your favorite bait? I really like hair jigs and tubes.
My father and I had started fishign Saline right before he found out he had cancer. We would troll and use 3-4 poles out with three jigs each. Since his death I've only fished with yo-yo's but am looking to get back to jigs. I like tube jigs. I am also making some vertical ones too. For the reason you said about hang ups. The more I fooled with them the more I couldn't ask why anyone would want to mount them horizontally.
I caught 35 Friday night. I took a picture with my phone but didin't have my camera and I don't have net on my phone. I actually only had 26 when I took the pic but some nice ones.
I think the next front coming through is Thursday so I might be back out Wedneseday. If I do go it'll kinda be a rush job getting out there after work but you are welcome to come or even follow. I even have enough yo-yo's to loan you a couple dozen. :wink: