Interesting news. BREAKING: The NY Supreme Court has ruled that all employees fired due to their “unvaccinated” status are to have their job reinstated AND receive back pay. They noted “Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19”
Dumbass justification for that ruling. No vaccine in the history of the world has ever fully prevented an infection, nor has one ever fully prevented transmission. The idea is to reduce the frequency of those things, and firing people who refused vaccinations is according to the same principle, for example, that companies can fire drivers who have proven themselves reckless on the highway, even when not on the job.
The vax doesnt reduce the frequency of anything. 2 years of data and the data is as flat as it was before the vax. There is not a single data point one could show that proves getting vaccinated saves anyone or lessens anything. If you have such data, please show the class... You know what does save people? Not being a fatass.
You’re arguing two totally separate points. And pretending to say that not getting vaccinated is akin to reckless driving is just ridiculous
Well, we already know that people such as yourself have no regard for truth. You'll say anything. The FACT is that in the USA unvaccinated people are over 50 times more likely to die from Covid infections than are the fully boosted.
You have the cognitive power of a pea. Companies reduce their exposure to risk by weeding out employees with particular behavioral histories. Those include health risks.