I repeat... you can neither read nor think. Everything OSHA said there was true, which, incidentally has been proven by history. There is nothing Pfizer said that means that the average vaccinated person transmits the virus at the same rate as an unvaccinated one. The very nature of a vaccine, especially a 95% effective one, is that the virus payload in a vaccinated person will be far less and often zero. Stop lying. As with all your other threads this one is bullshit.
I get what you are doing here showing Biden saying what Rex is contradicting but Biden is the guy that just said his son Beau lost his life in Iraq. Not even Rex quotes Biden because he knows better. Rex won't say if Biden is a liar or senile. He won't commit to an explanation.
The C19 research continues with an 80% lethal strain https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...source=Gab&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons
man we really need republicans to win the house and investigate virus origins. TDS broke the dems on this and basically every issue. the chinese will push their stooges in media to portray any investigation of this as racist. dems will cave, repuvlicans will not.
We hope, to date they have yet to follow through on ANYTHING whenever they get into power. It has been a long running and my harshest criticism of them. They are spineless and it is because of that mush mouth bastard Mitch the Bitch McConnel. His old ass has GOT to go because the first thing he will do is buddy up with the dems and get played like a fiddle the way he always does.
i fear that as soon as we start to make it public just how culpable the chinese are, the CCP agents in media will dig up videos of homeless blacks slapping asians in the bronx, then have all the chinese college students pretend they were called chink on campus, pretend the govt is causing a terrible hate crime wave, and shut it down. people like rex will say its the legacy of racist trump, and he emboldened racists to punch asians, and promiment dems will agree, under pressure from the chinese agents on their staffs the chinese know we are total cowards on race, and they will use it to hurt us
i dont think thats true, but i expect the media to be an utter failure at investigating this to help me out