I was watching a speech by Obama and his ending words were: "the cost of action (to fixing the problems) in some cases is great but the cost of in-action or not doing anything is greater" The vagueness and arrogance of this statement is beyond me. What cost is the action? What is the inaction cost? What is the reverse action cost? Cost . Cost.. Cost... What when how where???? F' snake oil salesman YouTube - Obama Holds Town Hall Meeting on Healthcare - Bloomberg
without big government managing health care and the environment and everything, it will collapse. everything needs to be controlled by a powerful central force. i think that is what america was founded on. i think the quote is: "the government that manages most, manages best"
Well the funny part is that in the same speech he talks about how terrible the school system is. IT'S F'IN GOVT RUN!
i honestly do not understand government health care. i dont understnd health care in general really. but lets say the government provides universal coverage. and lets say i want to hire my own guy, outside of the system, because i like my guy. and i pay him on my own. wouldnt lots of folks opt out and do like i was doing, paying their own guy, and create a situation like we have with schools, where to get anything good you have to go private (but still pay taxes for the public system?) leaving only the dregs going to free public clinics that sucked?* would free national health care just create a terrible free system that cost a fortune and only desperate folks used? *= i actually went a public school and it was decent, but it would have been much better if private.
How is this arrogant? It's hardly an original statement. If you don't comprehend what it means then I have a lot of questions for you. Who ties your shoelaces? Who turns your computer on? Has someone removed all plastic bags from your home? Has someone covered all the sharp corners in your house with soft material? I fear for your safety...
do you really think the biggest reason that the public school system is bad is because of the government? private schools are so much better because they have the better kids/parents. poor example to rant on. btw, the military is govt run too. except for those crackerjack blackwater fellas
Don't judge public schools everywhere by what they are in south Louisiana. They are even better in north Louisiana, far better in Texas, and schools in states like Ohio, Utah, and Maryland and many others are really quite good.
you should be more clear in your use of "govt". you seem to shifting between govt and fed govt. big diff. but, the crappy states, like La, would be served well if the fed govt made them spend more $ on ed. (what am i talking about? i have no idea where La ranks in per capita school spending. i bet its low though. someone prove me wrong). regardless, somebody needs to get La to educate their kids.