Corndogs......something to ponder

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by jrich71291, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. jrich71291

    jrich71291 Say What?

    Nov 8, 2003
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    Before I talk corndogs I want to go ahead and get my gameday observations out of the way.

    1. The Auburn Tiger walk and pregame march by the band... Well, in theory they are trying, but maybe whoever coordinates it should stand next to the PMAC before an LSU game if they want to see how to do it right. Grade C-

    2. The Auburn fans...The fans that I and those in my party all encountered were classy. Sure there was some kidding back and forth, but overall those I met were great both before and after the game. Grade A

    3.The War Eagle. No Auburn fan could explain the whole AU Tiger/War Eagle dual mascot thing to me, so I still can't explain it. My seats were in the West Upper Section 58 (where they launched the bird from). The bird glided directly over me and it was pretty cool (I guess there was also a little nervous tension from fear of being pooped on). The eagle circles a couple times over the field then pounces on the meat at midfield. Pretty cool, but I still cannot tell what the crap it has to do with the Auburn Tigers. On a side note, one of my buddies would stand up and point everytime a pigeon would fly by and scream "There's the War Eagle". Even the Aubies thought that was pretty funny. Grade A- (because I still don't get it)

    4. LSU's running game (or lack of).......Next question

    5. The LSU passing game seemed as if there was a lot of dropped balls, but I still have not been able to watch the Tivo of the game to confirm. I thought JR made good decisions and recognized blitzes when they came. Also, I thought the running backs did an excellent job of picking up blitzes. Grade B-

    6. Defense....Played very well except for the lone AU scoring drive Grade A-

    7. Special Teams....Our ability to will the field position battle was negated all day by the punter of AU. It seemed that everytime we would have them pinned back that puter would drive another put so deep that we would be starting inside our own 30 instead of being close to the 50. Also, I don't think CJ had his best day punting, but he didn't kill us either. Grade B


    OK, for years I have heard Auburn fans go on and on about LSU fans love of corndogs. I always thought it was kinda funny and laughed it off. So my buddies and I are headed to the stadium a few hours before the game (we parked about 1.5 miles away)and as we make our way up Wire Rd. we encounter several AU tailgate crews all with the usual lame-a** know the ones "LSWho?", "LSU SUCKS", "War Damn Eagle",and my favorite "I smell corndogs". As I stated earlier, having heard this for years I always laugh it off, but my friend had never heard it before and kept telling me that he didn't understand it....and you know, neither do I.

    So I settle into my seat in the West Upper of Jordan Hare and early in the 1st Quarter during one of the hour long TV timeouts I decide to go grab a Coke. Well to my astonishment when I am standing in line I hear a lady at a concession stand behind me screaming in line behind me "Funnel Cakes, Boiled Peanuts, CORNDOGS!!! I spin around shocked and see a line 10 deep (all wearing ORANGE) in this womans line. Now correct me if I am wrong, but do we sell corndogs in Death Valley? I know the concession stand that I frequent does not.

    As I returned to my seat, I shared my discovery with my friends. Upon this, we decided to start our own TV timeout game of "Count the Aubies with Corndogs." We counted a grand total of 106 Aubies with corndogs. I did spot one LSU fan with one (DAMN HIM)!

    In closing, Come on Auburn, you have to drop the whole corndog issue. You guys have no room to talk.
  2. friedriches

    friedriches mr. t

    Sep 10, 2006
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    The corndog issue comes from someone saying we smell like corndogs, I believe over at one of their forums. (It might date earlier than that, but I read a thread last week dated at least a year ago that described the "corndog phenomenon."

    Personally, I'd rather smell like a corndog than like bird ish.
  3. Crystal_lsu

    Crystal_lsu Founding Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    I think I just lost 5 brain cells reading this post:confused: Then again I am a blonde :hihi:
  4. DocBrooks

    DocBrooks Founding Member

    Oct 7, 2005
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    funny you should bring this up. I made a run to the drug store yesterday and among my needed items was deoderant. I think the corndog things is dumb and from what you've said is actually hypocritical... but when I saw this, I just had to buy it.

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