I made a reference to coonazzes on my little blog and some guy ACTUALLY READ IT (amazing) and got offended. His comment was that the word coonazz is a racial slur, like the word "ni**er", and that I was being a racist. Well, since I are a coonazz, take great pride in being a coonazz (wierd as that may be), and don't know any coonazzes who aren't proud to be coonazzes, I discarded the comment. However, I have been out of LA as a resident for a long time. So. Am I missing something? Is being an RCA no longer politically correct or something? I think I know the answer, but thought it'd be a light topic in an otherwise stifling political atmosphere...
of course they are slurs but white people arent overly sensitive to them so it doesnt fall into the pc arena. they mean the same thing as calling a black person a nigger. its just the reaction is a little different.