What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? Thin Mints? Tagalongs? Do si dos? Samoas? I have a box of each... Mine are Samoas!
man samoas are the best, by a mile. they are outstanding. for the curious, sales % by cookie type: 25% Thin Mints 19% Samoas®/Caramel deLites™ 13% Peanut Butter Patties®/Tagalongs® 11% Peanut Butter Sandwich/Do-si-dos™ 9% Shortbread/Trefoils http://www.girlscouts.org/program/gs_cookies/faqs.asp
i hardly ever eat cookies and i dont like anything mint (except for gum) but I bought a few boxes a few years back from a coworkers kid as a favor...those thin mints are crack. I can eat a box of those things.
I have two boxes of Tagalongs at the house right now. 150 calories for two cookies. I ate half a box in 3 minutes. I have no idea what the secret ingredient is but I do not think it is legal.