I've been floating the idea around in my head that Steele is the result of a lack of admin support for Miles, and Miles had to go shopping for a bargain. It occurred to me this morning, one of the main reasons given regarding the departure of the Chief of chagrin was that his contract was dependent on Miles' contract. Wonder if there is turbulence behind the scenes and if it's been going on since last year (at least)?
The whole way the Chavis and Steele situation played out made me wonder if the money people were sending a message that the days of blank checks were over.
The AD's job is dependent on the outcome of football games. I doubt very seriously that an AD would play Russian roulette by sabotaging his coaching staff. I think they were tired of overpaying assistants and Miles had a hard time reeling in a better candidate. Very possibly due to his piss poor offense.
I thought so at the time and nothings happened to make me feel different. However I'm not sure the D would be much better under O this season.
Nothing he could have done about the depth problems at LB and DL other than find some junior college transfers
Kevin Steele was the worst decision Miles has made since deciding to chuck the hybrid pro set offense we used to run in favor of the outdated Big 10 staple - 3 yards and blah blah blah...
How much is Steele making? I thought it was around a million per year. What's considered top pay for a DC?
Nah, yr right. Cool mill, which is good enough for 8th highest. Cam is tied for second highest at 1.5, and muschump is #1 at 1.6. Results?