Need a little help here folks. I was born and Raised in Houma (long time Tiger fan) but currently live in the nasty burnt orange state of Texas. My dad just got some tickets to the Arkansas Game. They are in sect 21, how is the view from there? I think it is the student section. Also, how early should one arrive at Tiger Stadium to avoid the mad rush of traffic? Do they allow Cameras in the stadium? Sorry for all the questions but it has been years since I made a Tiger game. GEAUXX TIGERS!
I also live in Texas and haven't been to a game since '99 in Tiger Stadium. I plan to be on campus by 8, and go over to Louie's for breakfast. Of course, it helps that my aunt and uncle will be tailgating in their RV, so at least, we'll have someplace to go kick back for a couple of hours.
SATigerFan, if your ticket is section N 21, i think that is the student section... but it has to be N (north). and if that's the case, don't forget to get it upgraded before you get in line! happy trails getting to the 'Rouge. MPF
With an early game like this, make sure that you get there extra early. A lot more people get there at the last minute for these mid-day games. I am from Texas as well (Richardson), and I would recommend taking the Nicholson exit just after the bridge. You said that you are in Section 21? Which part of the field? North end zone? That would put you with the band!!!
i will be there...south endzone. i will be there at 8 or 9 ready to get crazy. my wife, baylor grad, is coming too. i ave tried to warn her of what will happen, but she is stuck in BU lala land as far as football games go. she may divorce me after this experience.
Either that or you can go to the Athletic Administration building and upgrade them by paying the difference between student and regular price.
Mesquite, has she been to a Tiger game yet? If not she might go insane. Waco sucks and Baylor football is a joke, I'm not sure she'll be able to understand how different it is until she is there.
she saw LSU at Texas A&M in 94 or 95 (last time we played there), but that is an A&M atmosphere. She also attended the LSU/Georgia game in 97 (we lost), but was drunk and did not realize a lot anout what was going on. now that she is mature, she will notice many new things that she has never seen before...I can't wait to hear her thoughts about it. baylor games are very "social" gatherings, not centered around football.