Is there a particular color we should all wear to the game tomorrow? Gold, Purple, or White? I hear that some people are going to wear PJs....? GEAUX TIGERS!!! I can't take it anymore...right after work, I'm jumping in my car and driving to BR!
No more white-out games ever. The last one was our only loss in our NC year. The pajama's are an LSU tradition going back to the 1930s. Students wore pajamas to the first game. To each his own. Most people are tired of color drives. Personally I think gold looks best. The mixture of purple/gold/white/gray/I''m-too-cool-to-wear-team-colors-so-I'm-wearing-black just ends up looking loke nothing. But I would rather everyone do it willingly rather than organized guilt drives.
I'm gonna be sportin white! Of course, I'll be on my couch so it will not be relevant! :dis: Just moved into a new house and can't make the 2 hr trip to BR.
I like to wear jersies to the game so I'll be sporting my purple one. I'm debating if I want a white one. I'd wear gold, but the gold jersey doesn't look too appealing.