Could you just accept that maybe *gasp* they're gay? Do we not allow them into the university or something? Is it really something we "have to get to the bottom of"?
I thought the Bama fans were bad with the homophobia, but I suppose LSU fans are just as bad... :::sigh:::
Thankyou!!!!:thumb: OK folks they are GAY!!! Get over it!!! The sky is not falling and they cant get Texas anyway.....
JMO, but i don't think they were actually kissing. I think they just happened to turn towards each other and they bumped faces. The whole thing didn't last more than a second at the most and unless I missed something, I didn't see them embrace or do anything else out of the ordinary. But if you stop the video at just the right time, you can certainly make a case for them kissing. But then again I could be totally wrong and so what if I am. It's their life.
Let's face the fact that there are probably gays playing for major universities. What difference does it make?
What difference does it make?!? Thats homo talk. I don't want to sit next to those gays cause I might catch the gay from them.