The occasions for Fending off the lurid accusations of vanquished rivals has never found me at a loss for words.... until now...:shock:
what is funny is... what are the odds that some gay couple would give each other a kiss on national TV, AT THAT SPECIFIC TIME... something seems fishy. Im not a conspiracy nut, but seriously.. what are the odds of the camera panning at that exact time? weird...
OK, SOMEBODY knows those two, it is approaching a week after the fact, and I want to hear a DAMNED good story about how it was an ill considered bet, unfortunate case of double breast removal due to malignant disease, SOMETHIN besides what it looks like. And I am glad I could not see the end of that seeming caress with the right hand of the one with his back to the camera as it dropped out of view from the shoulder of the other one... And if you haven't seen it, renowned fark page has gotten it as well. The one with the parents back home in front of the tv is hilarious....
I know both of those guys and they are openly gay and have been dating for quite a long while. Who cares? For those who care, one of the guys is from Birmingham.
looked to me like they were just trying to talk in each other's ear above the crowd noise, but then again how would I know? just what i figured, they always blow **** out of proportion.
sounds to me like you are a NON CONTRIBUTING moron. I didnt go the game. I wasn't even in the same state. :dis: