When I was in college at NLU it was early during the football season and we had a big home game coming up and on a week night the sorority girls were doing a jock raid. Well the football dorm was on the bayou with about 30 yards or so between the water and the dorm. 2 things happened that the girls didn't anticipate. 1.) some freshman football players that will go nameless liquid was placed in a garbage can and when one of the girls had the courage to run up to get the jock they had shown throwing in well she got it. And it wasn't water. And it was from 3rd story. 2.) They then pulled out the fire water hose and proceeded to mow the girls down and with the force of the hose push them back in the bayou. It seemed funny until the fire dept showed up and everyone scattered. Well I can tell you everyone that stayed at the athletic dorm was called to a meeting room the next day at the stadium and the President, Head Coach, and Fire Marshall made it very clear you get expelled and go to jail if it happened again. The girls were advised not to try that again. Moral of story don't stand between dorm and water and definitely don't run up to get a jock out of a 3rd story trashcan from below.