Was doing honey-do's and missed the first part of the phone interview on CBSSN, but thought Coach did a good job of articulating the ball down the field. They were wrapping up discussion of JJ's possible return when I came in for a break and a pat on the head. Brando was up about how Kragthorpe shifted duties and Miles was cool enough to talk about the entire coaching staff responding to what needed to be done. He mentioned several times how 'the room" (don't think he left out a single offensive coach) worked together in picking up the changes and talked about the need to start throwing the ball down the field! Yeehaw!! On WV, Brando pushed a little on the Tigers not facing a pass- spread. CLM said our secondary was just as strong as any defensive unit and he was looking forward to the matchup. Brando wanted to know how a team can lose three of possibly the best defensive position players in the country and come out this year not missing a step. Coach talked about giving the young players some time to shine and then, (this got me pumped), how he sees it only getting better hinting at the recruits we will be getting. I'm off honey-do duty now and tryin' to get my front yard ready for tomorrow night's game but if anybody caught the entire interview, would like to hear your take. :geaux::LSU231:!twocrystals!
LSU Tigers | NCAA Football at CBSSports.com up in the top right hand corner, click to play the video, it has the phone interview eta: only about 3 minutes of it and it's only about the D