I feel that he is as potent and athletic as any other reciever or defender out there. Even Eli Manning is a nominee....:cuss:
If he continues the #'s, he will be. LSU's team success will thwart him into the spotlight. Remember, it only takes one HUGE week against a big team to get you into the lime light as Carson Palmer showed last year.
I am curious why he was not SEC player of the week ??? Alabamas RB was. If I recall he did not even have 100 yard rushing...
Any player can nominate themselves for the Heisman by playing great football week after week. Anybody remember all those Hodson for Heisman posters a few years ago. Every week the H in Heisman seemed to get a little bit smaller.
Yeah, Williams only had 98 yards and 2 TD's, but I wouldn't being complaining this early if I were you. I mean, you both played high school teams so what does it prove? Also, has LSU had a Heisman Trophy winner before? If so, who?
Billy Cannon... As far as the game. You can only play who is front of you. Clayton had 150+ yards rec. and 2 TDs... And those TD's were all him. Plus that is two more TD's then the entire Auburn team. That counts for something.