Clayton disses Randall??

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by alumni95, Feb 23, 2004.

  1. alumni95

    alumni95 Founding Member

    Dec 13, 2003
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    Did anyone else see the T-P write-up on Michael Clayton's decision to go pro?? It was on the front page of Saturday's (2/21) paper. (sorry, couldn't find the post on NOLA) Basically Clayton said he decided to go to the NFL after Mauck made his decision. If Mauck would have stayed, then he would have stayed at LSU.

    I know you don't get everything that Clayton actually said in the interview, and the press can twist words and make it give some other impression... BUT it sounded like a shot at Marcus Randall. Michael Clayton was quoted as saying:

    He continued:

    Now, I have all respect for MC and I am not trying to slam him at all. I wish him the best in his decision and in my opinion he made the right decision for him. (Of course I would have loved to have him back next year again... along with Mauck & Hill). But when he said TWO QB's, I just assumed that he was talking about Russell and Flynn. There was no mention of Randall at all. But to be honest, there was no mention of any of the QB's names directly.

    Just more fuel to our offseason debates on QB...
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i dont see that as necessarily as a slam on any of the new guys, but rather a admittance that things are more uncertain now. it is probably really comfortable to catch passes from the same guy who has been tossing them to you for years.

    so i can see if he means it is a little less motivation to come back if your buddy leaves.
  3. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    I don't see where they can be seen as a slam to randall at all...Basically Clayton had a fantastic year and he had no reason to come back next year( especially with a new QB). He was just being honest....
  4. alumni95

    alumni95 Founding Member

    Dec 13, 2003
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    i know i was just trying to stir up a little controversy with the subject title....

    BUT what caught my attention the first time I read the article, was that Clayton said: "We've got two awesome athletes (at LSU) who can take that spot."

    He said TWO.. not Three! (I assume he meant Russell & Flynn). but we know what assuming does.
  5. Eleven

    Eleven Founding Member

    Nov 18, 2002
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    maybe he meant Randal and Russel? hmmm
  6. MEW4thTiger

    MEW4thTiger Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2004
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    i was in N.O. this weekend and read the same thing, and was suprised of his honesty. i didn't take it as a slam either as i agree w/ dallas, but what this does is shead some light to the caliber of qb's that are comming in to contribute this year. i personally, can not wait till the battle starts for the DEFENDING NATIONAL CHAMPIONS FEILD GENERAL POSITION. how long is it again till they start pratice?
  7. alaman

    alaman Founding Member

    Oct 26, 2003
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    If you remember, in 2002, many times Clayton would come off the field with a look of disgust after Randall again threw a bad pass or fumbled. His meaning was clear.
  8. MEW4thTiger

    MEW4thTiger Founding Member

    Jan 31, 2004
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    i remember alot of lsu players, coaching staff, and fans in disgust after Randall again threw a bad pass or fumbled.
  9. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I think that you guys are reading WAY too much into what he said. He says that they "can take that spot". Translating that correctly, it means that they could "take" it from someone else. Namely MR. In order to "take", someone else must "have". MR HAS that spot. That is what he meant.

    Also he said "can". Not "will". Last year there was no one who "could" take that spot from MM. He is only saying that the position is up for grabs. Nothing more. We all know that. We don't have a starter coming back. Period. That is all he meant. Sheesh.
  10. Jwho77

    Jwho77 Founding Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    I respectfully disagree. It is quite clear from his comments that he expects one of the 2 RS freshman to be the starter. Sorry, but Randall is not an accurate passer or a consistent decision maker under pressure. Anyone can see that we will be better off starting a younger, but more talented passer. Randall is not a big time QB, but the other 2 may be.

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