I predict that Mike Williams' college eligibility will not be reinstated. That would open a big old can of worms that should remain closed. If they start making exceptions the issue will never die. The rule is simple: Sign with an agent and you forfeit your eligibility. Pete Carroll seems to be incapable of living life within the rules.
But you must remember.. This is USC and in their way of thinking Mike Willliams is the 'peoples' receiver and the normal rules that everybody signed on to shouldn't apply.
Keep in mind here that USC is located on planet California where normal rules of play do not apply. It would offend Mike Williams and probably some others if he wasn't allowed back into school. We would want that would we???? What a bunch of P*SS*ES! Mike Williams, you made your bed, now you lie in it....ALONE! Bottom line, LSU FIGHTING TIGERS 2004 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS! USC, you're just going to have to get used to it!
did mike williams agent pay for his trip to the bahamas? i guess he would be able to get a loan from a bank to pay the agent back every dime that has been spent on him?
yes his agent did pay for the trip. They said that on the NFL draft that his agent had him sent out of the country so he wouldn't get his feelings hurt. BOO, F*CK*NG WHO!
Clarett definitely rubs me the wrong way. Mike Williams will make it in the NFL, even if it is a year from now. A year off without playing competitive football probably won't hurt him as much as it will Maurice (who will now be 2 years without playing).