Wow, I usually enjoy listening to Chris on Foxsports but his analysis of JR is so unbelievably off base and inappropraite. Check out this quote: "He scares me a lot as a high first-round pick. He does not play smart, and that's what this league is all about. He does not have a good work ethic. He's kind of lazy. And I don't think he is a very good leader. He's aloof. He is also not very good at reading defenses at this point." He might be right about the lazy part his freshman year but I have not heard anything about Russell being lazy or aloof. He goes on to bash him later on. What a jack@$$! I expect this vitriolic trash from Holtz and Herbie, not Landry (an LSU grad). I guess he missed the last 6 games. JR is playing smarter than Brett Favre and Rex Grossman that's for sure. Link
It just sounds like another reporter who doesn't know much about his story. These guys try to pretend that they know everything about 100+ NCAA football teams, 32 NFL teams, MLB, NBA, NHL, college basketball, baseball, etc., etc. They often rely on outdated and unconfirmed rumors and innuendo. Turn on WWL and listen to Mike Detillier if you want a more accurate analysis.
remove JR's name and insert vince young from last year. oddly enough, Landry has been on the JR bandwagon bigtime everytime i heard him the last few weeks. He musta got a lump sum from gruden in hopes his drivel would change grandmama's mind so the raiduhs take BQ instead. wonder how JR suddenly pissed off christy. interesting.
the more i read from sports journalists and commentators, the more i think they are no better thaen your average educated fan. the only real difference is that the journalists has to pull a headline/story out of his ass even when he has nothing to say.
to be 100% honest, that is a big issue... a biggggggggg issue. whether it's a big or small news day, the sports page still has to be X amount of pages long the next day, so on slow news days, they have to turn something into nothing this is easily the #1 flaw in journalism, and the #1 thing i hope to be a part of trying to correct in my career.