A former Bama player is arrested for infecting women with HIV. Nothing against Bama or anything, bu this guy is sick!! Her's the link: http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/6510060?MSNHPHMA
Just for clarification, it doesn't say he infected them, just exposed them to it. It's actually very hard to infect via hetero relations. He's still a sick, sick man.
To get HIV you actually almost have to try to get it. It is not something that is passed on easily or by casual contact. Unprotected sex - homosexual or heterosexual - is a very good way of getting it. All it takes is a transmission of bodily fluids.
Actually, was just studying AIDS for my psychology of aging class exam. Here's the section on how contraction of AIDS occurs as it appears in the textbook Adult Development & Aging: Biopsychosocial Perspectives: The most reliable form of prevention is the use of a condom. Blood is really the only known bodily fluid that transmits the disease (outside of the sex organs). It's possible, however, to detect if you have HIV via saliva testing, but saliva has natural compounds that inhibit the infectiousness of the virus. Also, there is no evidence to suggest that sweat, urine, or fecal matter will spread the virus. I think I'm ready for my exam.