This is just plain sad, no matter who you are or who you support. Prayers and condolences to this man's family. Ark. Dems' party chairman killed in shooting Suspect also shot and killed during chase; motive for attack unknown LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - A gunman shot and killed the chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party on Wednesday before being shot and killed after a 30-mile chase. Police said Bill Gwatney, 49, died four hours after the shooting near the state Capitol. The suspect, identified only as a 51-year-old man, was shot dead after shooting at officers near Sheridan. Witnesses said the gunman entered the party offices shortly before noon and said he wanted to see Gwatney about volunteering. Party officials said the man barged into Gwatney's office and fired three shots, then fled in a blue truck. For more, go to this link: