How many of you are members? Do you really know what they're doing as an orginization, or are you like most members, give them money every year and put the sticker on your truck/boat?
I'm a member. I try to keep up, but having been here in N TX for the last 9 years, I have not kept up like I used to.
I don't know how any of y'all will feel about this issue, but it bothers the hell out of me. They are sponsoring a bill to ban bowfishing for reds in LA. I have heard a lot of comments from both sides, but the pro bowfishing side definitely has my support as of now. I just don't think it can ever be good when they start trying to take away rights...and as of now, I haven't heard one reasonable explanation. There is no scientific evidence to support a ban. - I took issue with CCA a few years ago when, AS A MEMBER, I wrote a letter...fairly blunt, but IMHO, professionally blunt, not rude...imploring them to take a stance in the "private water" issue. I didn't receive a letter back, instead I opened my LA Sportsman the next month to find a scathing letter written from some of their brass, lambasting ME personally for my letter. He stated I was probably someone who never bothered to join the organization, yet feels I have a right to complain about the way they do things. As I stated earlier, I was a friggin' cardholding CCA member when I wrote that letter. - After that incident, I let my membership expire, and didn't renew for a couple of years. Then for some reason, (redfish tournaments), I finally forgave and decided to become a member again. But I started paying closer attention to the issues they support, or the issues they seem to ignore. I don't know their stance on the red snapper issue...which bothers me. I think they should be vocal enough one way or another to where I shouldn't have to wonder what their stance is. But this bowfishing issue, it almost looks like they are on PETA's side! - I know all about the instrumental role played by CCA (then GCCA) in getting the nets out of LAs waters, and the work they did to help bring redfish back. But that was literally decades ago now. I think they've gotten a little too big for their britches, and quite frankly, a little too corrupt. What's also interesting, seeing how they refuse to take a stand on the private water issue, is they are now partnering up with LLOA (Louisiana "Land" Owner's Association) on sponsorship of this bill. LLOA is the very organization leading the private water issue...the side I ain't on. This article is full of fertilizer. They state "Bowfishing, particularly at night when lights are shone to draw fish to the surface, is unfair". The area where bowfishing for reds is done is typically about 18"-24" deep. You think it's the light that makes them come to the surface?? If they're not on the surface, they're rubbing their bellies on the bottom. Either way, they are targets. They don't have to be on the surface to hit, they just have to be seen. "Louisiana is the only state that allows the taking of redfish by bow and arrow". Also false! These are the words of a LA State Senator that is proposing the bill. He needs to do a little research! - FWIW, I don't bowfish. But if it's legal, and a bowfisherman has to abide by the same rules, limits, be it. I see no reason to be opening a huge can of worms by taking away that right. I have heard the supporters of the ban say stupid things like; - It's like hanging an apple on a hook from a tree to catch a deer. WHAT?? Isn't that about like hanging a shrimp or minnow from a hook to catch a redfish?? - Have any of you ever stood on a boat slowing moving along in the marsh, and shot an arrow from a bow at a redfish moving along off the side of a boat? I bet it's a lot harder than me catching one on a spoon. It's not like they're spawning in the marsh either. They do that offshore. I know plenty of bowfishers, and they don't EVER shoot undersized fish either. I bet infinitely more undersized fish are killed by hook and line than bow and arrow. - Bottom line, I've had it with CCA. I have recently sent them another letter, (to no response after two weeks), explaining I will no longer be able to support them.
it obviously depends on where you live and who your reps are, like most things. theyre usually great theyve gotten rid of the rednecks with gill nets.
Yes, they got rid of them here a LONG time ago...and I respect them for that accomplishment. But they've been living off of that for a while now, and it's really old news. I'm not trying to be all "what have you done for me lately", but's not that they aren't doing they're starting to do things that step on toes and take away rights. (And yes, it is a RIGHT to fish in LA...not a priveledge. It is afforded by law in LA) - I have thought for about 6 years that CCA and LLOA were in cahoots...and the link I provided in the third post pretty much confirms least in my opinion. I don't claim to be the smartest guy in the world, but I know what makes the world go 'round. $$$. If I can't figure out or get a legitimate answer to something, I know to follow the $$$ for the answer. LLOA is $$$...and CCA is it's friend.
If limits are not exceeded, it seems like no big deal to me. Like bow hunters, they are working very hard for a limited number of kills. I think it bothers some people because bowfishing is a lot more like hunting than traditional fishing and night hunting is not allowed in many places. Attracting fish with lights is kind of like hunting on a baited field, if you think of it that way. But the regulators should be paying more attention to protecting the resource from overfishing than worrying about the "fairness" involved. If night bowfishing is interrupting vital nocturnal spawning areas or something that badly impacts the redfish population, then they can make a case. Otherwise . . . it's just fishing. Of course, it might make fishing license fees go up if the W&F feels like they need to have more game wardens out working at night to enforce the limits.
People have told me that it is a lot of fun. Its difficult in the beginning, but once you get the refraction of the water, its pretty easy to get a limit. A limit is a limit. In south LA, redfish are about as difficult to get as misquito bites and sunburn. You can fish under a light, which sets up the entire food chain boatside within a short time, so thats not the issue. I'd bet those same fish would destroy a live shrimp just as fast. Also, most of these trips are done by charter captains. Not many people have boats setup with lights, decking, fan, and push platform so the total impact is minimal. As far as CCA, I have not followed what they have done to have an opinion on the organization. However, I am weary of an organization that uses a "sticker brigade" to get their name out, especially when they come in designer colors. I feel like I am taking crazy pills with all the LA Sportsman logos out there too.
This morning, my wife was on a plane heading to Ft Lauderdale seated next to a "board member" of CCA. Good to know this guy is going to relax in the sun while our coast is being covered in oil. Add that to the amount of PO'd people on RodnReel about the lack of any activity by CCA, I'd say their glory days are over.