Better luck playing with the big boys next year Nutt.....and remember, there is no crying in football.
" Hey I've got a couple of good spare QB's I'm not using if you need one for the Florida game.":hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
In the end, Houston Nutt really was the douche everyone said he was. If anyone can remember, CLM sought out CHN after the game- could read his lips, "Coach, coach!" calling him over. Not showing Nutt on screen, we don't know what Nutt was doing. But I can only assume he was trying to pull a Mike Holmgren-Super Bowl XL and blow off shaking hands with CLM. "I thought that Tommy said that they'd do it if I gave them the money..."
"Hey Nutt, I can't believe you left your Dick in there". "If the UF game comes down to the wire, remember, pull your Dick out."
"You don't understand Les. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it. " On The Waterfront (1954)