Can you believe that

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by ChuckE, Sep 30, 2003.

  1. ChuckE

    ChuckE Founding Member

    Oct 17, 2002
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    some fans are complaining about caoch Saban yelling at players? Dandy Don reports that he has received many emails about this. What do these damn people want? Would they rather he take them to a strip joint and apologize? Would they rather have a coach that is coaching as hard with a 34-0 lead as if it were 0-0 or have a coach giving interviews on the sideline during the game? :cuss:
  2. Tiger Dabbs

    Tiger Dabbs T.D.

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I like to see him chew their arses out when they screw up. It shows he cares! He also tells them great job when they get it right.
  3. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Whatever he is doing, keep doing it. The players love him, the recruits love him.

    Brady James said he was like a 2nd father to him, and he only knew him for what 2 years...

    Just like when he lit into Landry (I think it was Landry) or Daniels one of the DB's for a blown coverage, then 2 plays later he is high 5ing him.....

    Saban is king...
  4. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    I think that was Travis Daniels...
  5. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    Those people complaining never played sports. They don't have a clue what goes on.
  6. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    it could be worse...he could be holding guns to players heads for losing.

    oh...sorry. that only happens with Alabame fans.
  7. Jetstorm

    Jetstorm Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Look folks, coaches sometimes get intense and coaches sometimes yell. I played football, my coach sometimes yelled at me when I messed up. I didn't like it all that much but it did not shatter my fragile ego either. Thing is, my coach would also pump you up when you did a good job. If that's what Saban is doing then it's fine with me. If nothing else, it at least shows he cares about players doing well.

    My one complaint; I wish he didn't curse. Sorry, I just don't like cursing, even when you lose your temper, even when you feel you have to make a point. To me, it just sets the wrong example, especially when Coach Saban is trying to instill character and Christian values to the players.

    Also, you throw a temper tantrum too many times, it begins to lose it's "shock effect." Most good coaches can sense what players need emotionally at a given time. If they need a morale booster or a shoulder to cry on, you give them that. If they need a fire lit under them or a jolt back to reality, you get in their face. I certainly think this is the case with Coach Saban. He just needs to be judicious about it.
  8. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    quick story. i had a friend while i attended baylor university who was an equipment manager for the football team. he was on the oklahoma side of the field as a ballboy, and told me the next day that Bob Stoops is one of the most intense coaches he has ever witnessed work a sideline. He said on every play either Stoops or one of his assistants would be in a players face giving him a mouthful when he screwed up, but also praising the players when they did well.

    That sounds pretty similar to our Saint Saban.

    i have seen the results OU has produced since Stoops has taken over...I want the same for my Tigers!
  9. DeathValley

    DeathValley Founding Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    I think this is the most idiotic thing in thw world. What do you want saban to do to the players. When they throw a TD do you want Saban to go over to them, pat them on the back and say "well you tried your best go out there next time and mabey you will get the job done." I think this line from the little article on Dandy Don is very stupid.
    "Several of my readers believe that Saban's behavior on the sideline hurts recruiting, but I actually believe it helps. I believe top players like to play for a coach who coaches hard and fairly."

    Note to idiotic person sending email to dandy don "LSU HAD NUMBER1 RECRUTING CLASS FOR 2003" If Saban hurts recruting them why are we number 1. This is big time NCAA football, not some pee wee league for 6 year olds.
  10. LSUDAN

    LSUDAN Founding Member

    Sep 12, 2003
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    Some of the best teams I was a part of were the teams that had coaches who got in your face. I have had Passive coaches who wanted to be friends and hang out. The passive attitude went from the coach to the players. If he didn't care why should we. Saban is turning these boys into men. You can see the confidence on this years team that they want to play anyone and take it to them. This is one of the most aggressive teams we have had since the mid '80s. Keep it up Saban.

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