I know that this has to be one of the hottest topics on this board since the National Championship game but isn't it time to move on? Why focus so much time, energy and emotion on someone who is no longer associated with LSU and on things you cannot change? I hate to quote him when I'm suggesting it's time to move on, but at one point at LSU, Nick stated that we needed to grow up and get to a point where we didn't tear down goal posts after a victory because we should expect to win. So too now should we grow up, let go and move on. I know everyone has an opinion, like this one, and wants to post. My preference would be to see more posts that are positive to LSU and our current coach who is from top to bottom a better leader and representative of our University. Miles is more than a quality coach who has proven himself over the past couple of years. Miles is a true leader and you only need to look back to 2005 or watch "Eye of the Storm" to better understand the challenges he stared down. Now we are learning more about his character each year and more and more I am impressed. Why would you be upset about a person like Saban unless you thought he was better than what you had? Miles is the man simply put. Can we talk more about him and the current team and less about Saban regardless of any comments or actions he takes? Saban speaks for himself and so does Miles. Each in very different ways. One you question, one you can be proud of. I'm proud of the team and the staff we have now. The staff is solid, the recruiting is strong and these are things to focus on. Forget what was and think about what's to come!!
:lol: That is what I meant to say!!! It just came out AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! You are a lot better spoken then me!!!!:lol:
How does it make things worse? Can you qualify that statement for me? Every time I come out to this board there are loads of posts about what Saban did or what he said. I think the point about the title of this post is much more valid and I should have put something that referred to Miles in the header than Saban. I fail, however, to see your point.