The only chance ND has a chance of winning a game is to play Meeeeechigan.:hihi: Just how sad have these 2 programs gone down the tube. I know it's impolite to laugh at others misfortune, but :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I'm absolutely loving this. The big seniors thought they would come back to win a national championship....:lol: It's too bad we won't get to beef up our stats against them this year. Is Michigan turning into Notre Dame of the past few years? It's lookin like it, "all name-no game".
There's a term for that. It's called schadenfreude in case you didn't know. I'm having a major case of it, too. There's a twisted joy in watching Michigan get dismantled.
Mark May will predict that Michigan will begin the "turnaround" with this game. I wish I had taped how many commentators picked Michigan to be a dominant team this season.
I don't know why this outcome is such a surprise. Oregon had a very potent offense, and we knew that Michigan had troubles with defense. It was at Michigan, but all you need to do is to jump out to an early lead to pretty much stun Michigan's fans into silence and take them out of the game. No, ND's problems has been that due to Coach Willingham's lackadasical approach to recruiting, ND just didn't have the talent level as the teams it lost to. But, where the talent was on a level playing field, ND would win those games. In fact, ND has exceeded expectations. With Michigan, it is loaded with talent and was losing to inferior teams. This isn't new with Carr. He's had other teams that were regarded as national contenders that quickly fell apart.
Um, it seems the Pac 10 is a little stronger than we supposed. Though only 3 of the teams are ranked, Oregan is making a statement today. Top to bottom, though, I don't think they stand with the SEC. I was hoping Michigan could do something against them. Now, Carr is on his last leg. :dis:
Take off the glasses dude. It is fata$$ that is not recruiting. Did weiss find all the slugs he calls lineman at the buffet he eats at? He won with Ty's players and is losing now that most of them have graduated. Les won with Saban's players and now he is winning with a mixture of his and Saban's. See the difference?