they just blew a 12 point lead with 4 minutes to go and "we're still the better team" wtf is that?? and poor old petey actually has to coach his team and went for it on 4th and 2 tsk tsk tsk, how ye football gods punish the arrogant lol. good bye "3 pete" (not that it was one), good bye leinart (not that he was all that good without bush and white), and good bye mr. bush (which according to pete it was the media's fault that he is leaving boo hoo:cry: ). come on you gotta love it. o yea hopefully we can stop hearing about how they are the greatest offense ever, greatest my booty, really good yes but not greatest.
I am glad these numbnuts are gone. I am tired of hearing about them out here. I don't like Texas, but I despise the arrogance of USuCk. At any rate, I can't believe Leinhart said that. he really said that? I turned the game off once it ended so my son could watch something on TV. I had monopolized the TV since the game started at 5 p.m. out here. If Leinart said that, he is an ass. And to think that we (yes, I am a Saints fan ) might be drafting him. :dis:
lmao if thats how he deals with adversity i can sense a ryan leaf type meltdown very soon in NO. Don't talk to me, alright! Knock it off! talk about a change of venues from where he's going. i may not be able to sleep due to how funny this sh*t is thinking about poor little matthew. and yes, he said they were better. im sure you wont be able to avoid seeing and hearing it 1000 times.