Some of the avatars that are sexy pictures can cause trouble at work or school. Can I stop them from showing?
You can disable avatars from your Control Panel on the menu at the top of the screen. Once there select "Edit Options" and change "Show user's avatar in their posts?" to "No". There shouldn't be any more problems with questionable avatars. I'm aware of the avatar you are probably speaking of and the member has kindly agreed to remove it. For future reference everyone needs to keep their avatars "PG" rated. Thanks for everyone's cooperation.
Are you going to be monitoring the avatars, Brett? I think it would be great if people would keep their avatars family-friendly.
Well I don't specifically look for offensive avatars but if I spot one I remove it. Like always, everyone is welcome to contact me with any question or concerns about the forum.
Thanks for telling me how to disable them Brett. I don't want anyone to think I want censorship. I prefer them to be G because of the minors who read the forum. But if they can be turned off that solves the problem for me. I had to scroll by some posts without reading them due to the avatars (not at home but at work), but now I am cool. Thanks all.
As a female, I'm happy that the one in question will no longer appear. I'm here to talk sports, not gaze at women's butts (I can do that in my own mirror...)