this is an interesting topic. i heard a long talk about it on npr. they thought it was too risky. but all you have done is posted the article. i cant really talk to the article. why dont you post a link and then your own opinions, so i will have something to discuss? i dont see thr point of just posting something with no commentary. i already know how to read the news.
Thanks for the constructive criticism. I dont believe in global warming, it is a hoax, being set up to control aspects of our lives. To put it in picture. Also I have concern about what is going to be put in these jet trails, I dont expect the Gov. to tell the whole truth, and seeing how the science czar is a eugenicist, I belive some chemicals could be out in there to harm people. But even if thats not the case, This is still disturbing. SO then do we expect the gov. to fix that problem; even though they caused it? NO, they can just keep their hands off of it.
You still dont believe holdren is a eugenicist? I guess it doesnt matter to you since your lier is in office now, huh.