I've always wanted to camp on one. I took a picture of this one on the way in when we'd picked up our lines and were headed back. Regretted not taking one a mile down that shows up on google maps since it must be a the better part of a mile long. I thought of red cause he's mentioned canoeing/camping on the Mighty Mississipp. Man it was cool too, for this time of year. Too bad it was cool due to off and on rain which made it out of the question for me. If I can't make a fire I don't care to camp. We did catch a few fish. Fished a part I'd only fished a couple times and some other parts I'd never fished so it was kind of an experimental outing. I give away most of the fish that I catch anyway.
Some of those dudes look like you may have caught them at the toxic discharge site of one of the chemical plants!
Yeah, they loose their color easily. Often just putting them in on ice makes them change colors/get lighter. Add to that, they were low on oxygen in my live well and didn't make the trip (8 miles or so) from the launch to the store where we iced them down. Their gills were still red though.
Seriously, ya think those yellow Lepers on the right side of the photo might be dirty, perhaps sprinkle some fingernails on them and have an actual Rat serve them to you would top it off. Jesus tig, photo shop those things or something!
dude ive never seen a catfish turn that color in the live well. Ive seen a few floating carcasses that were similar yet still better than those.
The ice does that....It happened to some blue cats I caught in the Miss River. I thought it was the kepone from their slime. There's kepone factory up river in Geismar
Apparently he looked at the picture and it looked pretty damn good to him, good enough to sling out over tigerfan without thinking twice about it. He's probably out in his back yard squatting like an Indian, cooking them on a plastic stick over a styrofoam flame like a boss......just enjoying his days catch of what was floating down the Mississippi, without a care in the world.
One would think they would turn blue from lack of oxygen, not yellow and green. Just some water kill eh, Tiga? Do you scoop up road kill as well?
well they do turn funny colors when in ice but I cant pass up a chance to take a shot at tiga. Plus he doesnt really care what others think. Another reason to like him. Yet hate him at at the same time. also the more germs you ingest the better off you are. all these anal freaks (im lobbing this up for him) obsessed with hand washing and door knobs and hand shaking are neurotic and get sick more than anyone even when they arent. (yes I know this includes you) they also usually have a food allergy of some sort; gluten, dairy, wheat, shellfsh, soy, peanuts, etc. go eat lunch with some mexicans. they have none of those.
Ah heck, you've put much worse in ya mouth. That's cause you've never seen fish that weren't in a case at Winn Disky. Only if it's still moving. Makes good bait in hoop nets.