Cambridge Analytica

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by uscvball, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    All over the news. The MSM is going full throttle with the angle that they abused Facebook data to get Trump elected.

    You get idiots like the MA AG tweeting about the evils of Facebook and she's gonna get to the bottom of it.

    And of course everyone is asking....."where is Zuckerberg?" in all this. You want to know WHY Zuckerberg hasn't been at the front of this? Because they did this shit for Obama and it's only now that the left is pissed off.

    " former data officer for the Obama campaign, Carol Davidsen, admitted that Facebook allowed them to break the rules because they were on their side....

    In the final weeks before Election Day, a scary statistic emerged from the databases at Barack Obama’s Chicago headquarters: half the campaign’s targeted swing-state voters under age 29 had no listed phone number. They lived in the cellular shadows, effectively immune to traditional get-out-the-vote efforts.

    For a campaign dependent on a big youth turnout, this could have been a crisis. But the Obama team had a solution in place: a Facebook application that will transform the way campaigns are conducted in the future. For supporters, the app appeared to be just another way to digitally connect to the campaign. But to the Windy City number crunchers, it was a game changer. “I think this will wind up being the most groundbreaking piece of technology developed for this campaign,” says Teddy Goff, the Obama campaign’s digital director.

    That’s because the more than 1 million Obama backers who signed up for the app gave the campaign permission to look at their Facebook friend lists. In an instant, the campaign had a way to see the hidden young voters. Roughly 85% of those without a listed phone number could be found in the uploaded friend lists. What’s more, Facebook offered an ideal way to reach them. “People don’t trust campaigns. They don’t even trust media organizations,” says Goff. “Who do they trust? Their friends.”

    Davidsen then detailed on Twitter how representatives from the social media company were surprised how much data they mined, adding that they were “very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.”


    It's funny....literally funny that the left thinks so highly of their own. As IF.
    Winston1 likes this.
  2. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Please explain to me why what the Obama campaign did was wrong? And then please explain how pumping a bunch of fake news into Facebook to confuse and detract voters is similar. Maybe I’m not understanding what’s going on here.
  3. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Oh wait so this is sort of a data breach we are talking about here? Just the ability to obtain or an app created to obtain data that was used by both the Obama and Trump campaign?

    It sure is getting hard to keep up with all the complaining coming from Washington.
  4. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    people visit pages like FB knowing that FB builds a database of any personal information obtained. Then people go around and post nothing but memes, reposts, and stupid quizes on FB. Then they get pissed that this data can be used to predict their likes, dislikes, behaviors, affiliations, etc... but it doesn't stop their behavior.

    And apparently people can get brainwashed into voting for someone who they did not intend to vote for.
    el005639 and BAY0U BENGAL like this.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    USC you are the most pathetic partisan hack on this forum. Your post is nothing more than a regurgitation of the Cambridge Analytica and Trump campaign talking points that, "Obama did it too." But the problem is that the excuse is a lie, plain and simple, and your own posts shows exactly why.

    Do you understand the highlighted phrase here? They gave the Obama campaign permission to mine their data. CA put out fake personality quizzes that clearly stated that the information would only be used for clinical research and made them look like fun-sy little facebook quizzes in order to mine data. They didn't ask anyone's permission to steal their data; they stole it and gained it from dishonest practices. That's the difference in what Obama did and what Trump did. But on the other hand I shouldn't expect you to understand something so nuanced.
  6. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Wait. I thought it was Russia?
  7. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Whats the difference in fake news and opinionated news from CNN? Not a fucking thing.

    So here is the point. The media called People opposed to HRC (aka Trump voters) retards because of this. When it had nothing to do with that. It 100% had to do with a vote “against” HRC.

    Now, these same “retards” have seen the media for what they are, liberal slanted outlets carrying water for Dems.

    Have you turned on CNN lately, they covered a porn star more than any other news these last few weeks.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    So you admit Facebook openly gave it to Dems?

    There are multiple issue here and you ignore ones that aren’t about “Trump” and you call her partisan????
  9. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    No. This one is the one.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  10. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    No. Individuals on FB gave the Obama campaign permission to mine their data. Facebook didn't do anything.

    No, there are not multiple issues here. She said that "Obama did it too" and I showed how she was wrong. Nothing else involved.

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