Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Jester, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Uncle Milty

    Uncle Milty Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    College sports as we know it, ceased to exist when the Pac 10, Big Ten, Big 12, SEC, ACC and Big East formed a cartel whose sole purpose was to stage a sham national championship in order to monopolize the tv bowl money for themselves.

    It's all about the Benjamins. And the Cam Newton ruling was made to protect the Benjamins.
  2. Uncle Milty

    Uncle Milty Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    That is correct. And hopefully, this keeps the BCS from having to share NC game money with the fine folks at TCU.
  3. Uncle Milty

    Uncle Milty Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    Kee-rekt. If the NCAA controlled the bowls, the BCS couldn't have ever gotten started. The bowl games are exhibitions, not competitions, no matter how hard they are played. The NCAA has no sway over them, unlike the NCAA hoops tournament. It must really piss those old boys off.
  4. Uncle Milty

    Uncle Milty Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    I wonder if the bigshots involved are calling in favors with the government to make sure that the ongoing FBI investigation stays quiet? I don't think anything is revealed or happens until the FBI gets through with what they are doing and indictments get handed down. Not saying that the FBI is looking at Auburn, I think they ran into Auburn when they started investigating that bank.
  5. lsudolemite

    lsudolemite CodeJockey Extraordinaire

    Sep 18, 2006
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    Well, before that the sham national championship was decided by a cartel of media organizations, each with its own sets of regional biases. Not sure if what we have now is any worse. At least now, for all its myriad flaws, an actual game decides the MNC.
  6. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    What if Auburn was 7-5? What if Cam Newton played for Minnesota (sorry didn't mean to pick on the golden gophers, bad year) or some other irrelevant school? Cam Newton would not be playing. The only reason he was reinstated was because he is playing for an undefeated BCS team.

    I guarantee that the NCAA is on their hands and knees praying for Oregon to beat Auburn. Think of the fallout that would have occurred had Memphis beat Kansas a few years ago in the Final Four.
  7. 07Tiger

    07Tiger Founding Member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    What they are saying may be true, but I would assume that they are letting him play because they do not have enough evidence on Cam to hold him out. If they were to force him to sit while still investigating, and Auburn lose either game, then they never find the evidence necessary to find him guilty, Auburn and the Newtons would sue the NCAA. The NCAA is just covering their own a$$. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

    I do think they will find what they need eventually though.

    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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    I agree. If this wasn't the SEC and an undefeated team with a shot at the MNC, this whole thing would be blown wide open. The money involved has the NCAA and the SEC in bed together on this one, and unless someone outright rats Cam/AU out I think this thing is going to get swept under the rug. The payout is too great, and I have to believe that someone is being paid A LOT to keep their mouth shut.

    Mike and Mike were talking about this this morning and pointed out that there is no way that Cam didn't know, but proving it is going to be the difficult thing. If no one speaks up then it may not ever be proved. To them the fact that the kid wanted to go to MSU tells more than is being reported on. There question was how do you make the kid sign with AU, when he wants to go to MSU, without him knowing there was some sort of benefit? The other problem they pointed out was proving whether or not the money actually was paid or not. Which again went back to Cam, in their opinion. How does a kid who wants to go to MSU change his mind unless there is some sort of benefit. Yes, kids change their commitment all the time, but given the fact that a pay for play scam was being attached to his signing, that element played a big part as to where Cam signed, and that couldn't be done without him knowing.
  9. Uncle Milty

    Uncle Milty Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    You're right about the polls, but I've been for a playoff for 40 years, at least. We might not be any worse off, but sure as hell we're not any better either. We merely have a much more efficient engine for distributing the available money to the football powers.

    Any system that left the 2004 Auburn team out of the mix, is inherently dishonest and phony. LSU by themselves didn't make the rules up, so yeah, I really enjoyed their 2 crystal trophies. But bowl season is 30+ games of crap, and 1 phony game for the crystal that doesn't mean a hell of a lot. My opinion, anyway.
  10. Uncle Milty

    Uncle Milty Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    Here's a big problem. Pat Haden and USC are really wondering what the hell the NCAA is talking about. USC was told that the family is the kid. If the family cheated, then Reggie Bush cheated. And the NCAA says that Cecil Newton is guilty.

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