I voted yes on prop 8 to ban gay marriage. I dont hate gay people but i believe that the bible decides what a marriage is and not Gavin Newsome. I believe that gay people should have the basic rights of a recognized civil union that is performed by the govt. entity that certifies their equal protection under the law and gives their right to health care, rights in death, etc. . I dont see why this cant be the compromise that solves this problem. But California ( San Fran and L.A. ) are already on the path to take the prop. 8 outcome to court. To hell with what the people say in a fair election. Lets spend more money on a bunch of court action. The politics of the San Fran area make me want to puke. I despise Gavin Newsome and i know this scumbag is setting up to run for senate or Gov. Hopefully this arrogant ass will lose some support from this prop 8 outcome. But i am proud of the California voters for standing up to him and telling him that we will not let him decide this issue by himself and the people have spoken and even the liberal Cal. supreme court will have trouble overturning the vote of the people.
I don't understand how San Franciscans and Californians in general can put up with people like Gavin Newsome. How exactly did the San Fran measure to get a Sanitation Plant named after a sitting President even make it to a public vote?
I am sure they will find someway to negate the vote of the people. They have done it before on this exact issue.
It doesn't matter what the law or the Constitution says to these left-wingers. They are activist judges. They'll twist, contort or even just plain make up whatever it is that enables them to render a decision that fits their political adgendas. The law or the Constitution be damned.
Their dirty sex makes God send earthquakes. San Francisco burned in 1906 for a reason. Time for another purge.
San Fran didn't become really homo until the military discharged thousands of gays and basically dropped them off in the city during WWII.