Business as Usual in Congress

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by TigerWins, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    You'd think politicians would eventually get the message. Iraq was the main reason for republicans losing control of Congress, but their spending habit was wildly criticized by the dems.

    In an emergency supplemental spending House bill for the war and hurricane relief, the dems added an additional $21 billion in pork. So much for all the reform they talked about during the election last fall.

  2. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I started to post this but thought I would cool it a bit.
    I was about as mad as I could when I heard about this.
    Pretty sure the Dems and liberals don't care about what others think.
    Like a lot of things, I wonder who picks the magic number with whatever amount they come up with?
    Whey didn't they spend any more?
  3. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    Sorry POS good for nothing politicians never care. None of them. Republicans, democrats, independents, green name it. At this point I'm convinced that, if they're a politician, then they're slime. It's always one agenda or another. One special interest group or another. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. I think Louisiana should succeed from the union. We could be the most powerful country on earth just due to the natural resources we control. I'll be the president. Who's with me?
  4. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I am, good post, you are right.
    Your post reminds me of Harrry Truman.
    A man of the people who wanted to stay clean but once he got into the real
    world with real politics he learned the only chance he had to be elected as a
    senator was to join with forces other than he wanted to deal with.
    If it was bad back then imagine how it must be today.

    Salty for pres, Sdm for VP!:lol: :grin:
    We do have a lot in common!
  5. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    Agreed. I remember watching the Kennedy nomination in 1960 when I was in 3rd grade. The conventions were fun then, lots of candidates with delegate votes, ballot after ballot, deals cut in hotel rooms between ballots and one candidate throwing his support behind another in return for support for one of his planks in the "platform" (which sometimes got thrown away after the convention). I think Kennedy won the nomination at 2 AM.

    It went on that way for a while, until the "parties" decided the nomination speech had to occur in prime time, so they had to get the nomination taken care of prior to the last night. When they figured out how to make it end on time, shortly later they figured they just as soon make it end the way they wanted also (with the "party's candidate" getting the nomination). Do you ever wonder why the conventions are so scripted now and they used to be so wild and free form 50 years ago. CONTROL. Who is in control?

    These candidates are raising $30 a quarter. Money has control of the process. Money will set the agenda when their boy is in office. I hate to say it, but I think we are down to picking the lesser of two evils. And they are in office to make money for their constituency. I tend to favor the one who will result in fewer deaths in the pursuit of economic gain.

    The RNC picked GWB early in the process in 2000, and when McCain won in New Hampshire and showed well early, they 'swift boated' him in S. Carolina, said he was not mentally stable and that he had an affair with a black woman. It was never hung on the RNC, but who else had a motive to do that to McCain, only the RNC or GWB. I think McCain was independent and not under the control of the RNC, so they fixed it so their boy won (and papa called in a few markers, he served a long time and was "owed"). A real ugly process, IMO.
  6. macatak911

    macatak911 CRAIG STELTZ = BEAST

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Onto Dubya's desk for the VETO stamp.....

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