a$$. Post away, Rex. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: BTW, was that a transmitter in Bush's pants, or was he just really happy to see CBS's Bob Scheifer? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
can someone explain to me how the flu question wasn't just a liberally loaded one as some were in the first debate that I chose not to mention? simply wondering. maybe all debates are that way and I never noticed since they weren't as important or should i say as close in the polls.
Kerry made a major boo boo when he brought up Dick Cheney's daughter being a lesbian. Just imagine! A liberal being accused of gay bashing! :grin: :lol:
Both Kerry and Edwards in their debates, without being prompted by a question, BOTh of them brought up Cheney's Lesbian daughter. i ask you what does this have to do with national politics? That's durt bag politics at it's best. amazing pres Bush didn't slap him.
As I was telling someone earlier...... Bush answered that question about the flu shot by being blunt and honest. He explained how it was because of the shortcomings of the drug company in England. Basically making it sound as if we are overly dependent on another country for such a thing. In this case, he in fact was honest and we truly are dependent. His choice of how to answer was very poor. At least he was completely honest about it though. However, he could have said anything other than that. It is not like Kerry was going to comment about the drug company in England. The way the question was asked, it was simply an open invite to Kerry to talk about his healthcare plan and that's exactly what he did. I do not agree with all the ideas of either candidate. Heck, it would be hard to say I agree with most of the ideas of either candidate sometimes. Kerry's healthcare plan is one such instance. I strongly disagree with his idea for healthcare AND his arrogance about his idea. Case in point, he said something like (paraphrasing) -Buy into my healthcare plan or continue to pay for your high rate plan. It's your choice, take it or leave it.- He is proposing a government run health care program and this will not work well. It does not work well in Canada, it does not work well in England, and it certainly won't here. The difference I suppose is him saying the current options will still be available. Sure, that may be true but my $150 a month premium certainly would cost me MUCH MUCH more if the government healthcare "option" is set into action. Thus my ideal sitiation for health care now would be VERY costly. Oh.... back on topic... Yes tirk, many of the questions have been loaded, but for both sides. This one tonight about flu shots was the most obvious though as it was definitely an invite for Kerry to speak about his healthcare plan. Sorry for the rambling about healthcare folks. Bush did do well in tonight's debate. I did not expect him to be well-spoken on domestic issues. In closing though, Kerry '04.
i think bush did his best of the debates but i still think kerry won. all the snap polls show the same thing and remember the snap polls are not talking heads or political analyst but everyday people. i think one of the things that hurt bush it the last two debates was how he did in the first, if he wouldn't have had soo much problems in the first it wouldn't have been such a big deal when he started stumbling with answers. kerry has stumbled at times and no one really said anything about it but after the first debate everytime bush would start to stumble you couldn't help but feel like "there he goes again" even though he did as well as kerry with his answers. i just can't help but feel that if bush would have did as good in the first debate as he did tonight the polls would be closer to a tie. tonight bush looked like he looked in the 2000 debates which i think was one of the biggest reasons he won the 2000 election.
Domestic Policy equals nothing but pandering. Kerry was the king of that tonight. He had no answer for Social Security or anything else for the matter. Him trying to explain his heathcare system is two minutes I'll never get back. What was that? He didn't answer how he would pay for it or who would pay for it. When you say you'll give everyone healthcare what else are we supposed to believe? Bush pandered a bit. Not giving an answer for the question about if homosexuality is a choice or not. He didn't pander to much on immigration, which is great, he usually does. John Kerry better not come across Dick Cheney in an alley somewhere. He had no right talking about his daughter and neither did Edwards. They must think we are all complete morons, it's quite obvious what they are doing. There should have been an energy question. I liked the flu question. I didn't expect Bush to have an answer. He had a great one. The Democrats look stupid for blaming him. You think Kerry is pissed they didn't have a stem cell question? He had Micheal J. Fox all ready to exploit in the audience. Good debate. Bush did very well. Kerry didn't have any answers and the "women, children, and minorities hit worse" arguement doesn't really fly anymore. I hate domestic issues.
it unfortunate bush cant come down as hardcore on the issues as i would like him to, because so many people are wrong on those issues. for example the minimum wage. you cant properly dismantle the stupidity of raising minimum wage, because you would just come off sounding mean to people who dont understand the economics of it. and even if you explain it, you just come off as in favor of the rich at the expense of the poor. same thing with affirmative action. you can explain how AA is a crippling condescension to blacks as well as the fact that discrimination should be people's right, but that won't win you any political points either. always have to water everything down. politics is a game of compromises. ash you need to work on your spelling of the word "michael". i would have kept quiet but you have now done it to fox as well as moore.