I think I'm going to sue 'Lucky Dog' because they irreverently spelled 'God' backwards and used it to make money.
And you are offending myself and everyone near me when you walk by after not showering for 2 weeks mother****er.
try to avoid an elevator ride with any of the lot. You will pass out, namely at LSU due to the unwillingness to adhere to a time honored american tradition known as deodorant.
Yep. I know how much you hate it when I talk about engineering, but anyone who majored in that at LSU speaks from similar experiences. A lot of the professors and just about all the lab instructors in the Eng. Depts are from that region. They are absolutely repulsive. I even had a Greek professor who had the same 'condition.' And don't even get me started on the Frenchies. How do these people not gag on their own odor?
This is the wrong night to be discussing this subject. I'm watching me some Red Dawn as we speak. :angryfire
Google "the word Allah" and you'll learn that people see the name everywhere... on the sides of fish, on tomatoes cut in two, on birthmarks... The written Arabic of Allah is just simple swirly letters... It's no wonder people see it everywhere. Burger King should have told them to kiss ass.