Whether he intended it or not, Nick Saban's lah-dee-dah comments on the importance of the LSU-UGA game have made headlines in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution ("Saban Not Pumped"), and will probably soon find their way to the Georgia locker room. Who knows what effect locker room bulletin board material like this has on a game. My guess is little or none. If you are an LSU or Georgia player, you should already be geeked up to the max over this game. Perhaps Nick Saban is just playing possum. Last week Texas dredged up some photos of Houston Nutt flashing an upside down "Hook-em" sign after Arkansas beat Texas a few years back. These were posted in the Longhorn locker room. How'd that work, Texas?
The players realize how big this game is. I think Saban is just trying to relax his team and make them understand that this game does not make the season.
I agree, lsu99. It's pretty easy to get uptight about big games like this. Coach Saban is just trying to keep his team loose and relaxed.
I'm not so sure about LSU being the only team in the West that has a chance to go undefeated during the regular season. Arkansas has a solid team, and with beating Tejass, now has the confidence to play with anyone. And they play Auburn and Florida on their home field. They could come into Red Stick undefeated as well.
Check out Kevin Foote's column in today's Daily Fertilizer: (By the way, Foote is the ONLY one at that rag that I can stomach.) http://www.acadiananow.com/sports/html/1816D821-1205-41FE-847B-A26D1EACFBDB.shtml
Well said Hatcher... And Pastimer, no worries about any BB material, the Dawgs don't function that way. As it was posted here I believe, Saban has a philosophy that he developed back in his grad school days and one would be less than candid if our team's meeting Saturday wasn't a test of it's worth. Sustaining success is what we as fans all crave, but it is far harder to do in today's 85 scholly environment. Hatcher, we share the same thinking about the SEC race, for the thorns in the briarpatch only get longer, stronger, and sharper as the season progresses. It is as much about endurance as it is any other single factor as the talent difference between the teams is often a result of attrition. But Sabanfan, the linked op/ed hits on a core belief of mine. Winning is as much about mental construct as it is physical prowess. Once discovered, the knowledge of what it takes to win and achieve are rare and difficult things to maintain in a team environment as the constant turnover of players removes those who possess it. But establishing that culture of winning, borne of the top down insistence in nothing less, begins at the very top with the Head Coach. Desire is a requirement, but until achieved, it remains just out of reach, I've seen it first hand as a Coach and in my children's sports pursuits, but nothing can replace that moment when it is attained. Yes fellow fans, Saturday is BIG, Ray Charles can see it! The Media is descending upon Baton Rouge repleat with the 3 Stooges of Gameday, and Trev (Mr. Contrary) & Mark (In Denial) as well. Knocking the croc-vile game to Noon is the icing on the cake which indeed makes our meeting the Marquis Matchup Nationally. It don't get no better than this! May we have a contest worthy of this attention and may the better team win! Demanding that all drink from the same fountain of committment, sacrifice, and single-minded determination to excel makes for good sounding stuff but it is converting that into results which establishes the foundations of dynasties.
Foote makes some real good points in that column. I like Saban's approach, in that he's emphasizing the importance of every game, but it is a little disingenuous to act like this is just another contest. I think the thing you have to keep in mind, in interpretting Saban's comments yesterday about the magnitude of the game, is his complete disdain for all media. He knew they were going to ask him a thousand questions about what a "huge game" it was, and wanted to nip it in the bud. Foote's article talks about Coaches making use of press conferences, but we all know Saban wouldn't even have them if he could get away with it. So I don't think he's especially concerned with the perception media creates. Maybe he should be though, at least a little more so - like I said, I think the article made some good points. The bottom line, as always, is results. If we win Saturday, everyone will say Saban handled it right. If not, he will be open to criticism for it.