This guys figured our SOS and see what he came up with had Marshall and Bowling Green had not backed out on games with LSU.
Nov4: LSU fans have been asking what their SOS would look like if Bowling Green and Marshall didn't back out on games with them this year. So, I replaced ULMonroe and W.Ill (1-8, 21-37; 1-3, 7-27) with the records of BG and Marshall (5-1,24-28; 5-3 23-41) in the SOS calculation. Get this, LSU's SOS would be 12th or 0.48 instead of 63rd or 2.52!!!. Just another reason why the BCS sucks (except for seeding a playoff). Sometimes who you schedule is out of your control. Let just have a playoff dammit. Everyone call your congressman. I'm serious. Those wimpy Presidents don't know how much potential money they are missing out on. I was mildly interested in the Iowa-USC Orange Bowl last year, no offense to either team. Had the winner advanced in a playoff system I probably would have watched the whole game. There are too many good teams these days that picking two teams is ludicrous.
this has been said before and I will say it again.....Bowling Green backed out of last years schedule, not this years!!!!
No, we were originally supposed to play Troy St. WE dropped them (not vice versa) and moved the ULM game (scheduled for 2004) up a year.