Well I'm excited this week because I'm bringing my 6 yr old son to his first game in Tiger Stadium. I'm looking forward to when he can actually take in the whole view from the stands. I live in Arkansas so I don't go to many games. I haven't been since Orgeon St. so I'm excited myself. So this should be a great weekend for us. By the way are they still predicting rain chances still going to be around 30% ? :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: lefire: lefire: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
It never rains in Tiger Stadium on Saturday nights. Don't be fooled by the few high humidity experiences that have ocurred from time to time !
There's a front that is supposed to go through on Friday so hopefully it won't be slowed down and any rain will be out of here by game day.
Well that's good. It would be a strange coincidence for it to rain the second time I go to a game this season. Either way, I'm there.
Hmm, interesting. If it does rain, maybe you should take it as a sign that you shouldn't go to games in Tiger Stadium! :thumb: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Rain has never once touched the virgin field of Tiger Stadium. I believe the chance of rain for Saturday is never.