If this were true the worst part about it would be that the Board of Supervisors is sticking their noses in where they don't belong again, and that would be a shame. Skip and the new Pres should be the only ones invloved with this decision IMO!
Not going to happen!!!!! College basketball timeouts are too short for TE to finish his speeches and the team would have trouble getting out of the locker room on time after the half if he could wake them up at all from their hypnotic speech induced coma. :grin: :dis: :dis: :shock: :shock: :grin: :geaux: :lsug:
hahahahaha this thread is nothing more than an april fools joke I'm smarter than this..... If your uncle was on the board and this decision was made the last thing in the world you would do is post here. As many people in the USA and around Louisiana and LSU there is no way you would be dumb enough to post here because I'm willing to bet there are way to many ties on this site at LSU. I'm willing to bet someone from LSU,(higher up),could visit here at least every once in a while and news spreads way to fast now days.
Outstanding deduction Sourdough!! Or, you could have just read the bottom of the original post. "By the Way, April Fool's Suckas"
You think it was in the original post when it was originally posted? The Edit button can fool ya ... especially on April Fools Day!
I agree....... Thery should hire TigerEducated.... The Mr. Know-It-All would do a GREAT job ...since he knows everything... He would give Bobby Knight a run for his money for prick coach of the year..... I bet he would insult all the fans and media when they would second guess or disagree... But he would be very nice to his players... Don't want to hurt their feeling after a bad performance.... LOL!!!!!! I'd hire him..... Geaux TE....... :helmet: :lsug: :lsup: :champs: :geaux: :tigerhead ldskule: