with his comments in The Tennessean today. Bashes Cajuns, Memphis fans and gang members. The Tennessean, 1/17/06 Bradshaw, who's been a popular target of fans on the road this season, joked that he's heard it from friends and family members the last few days. "A friend was making fun of my dad and said, 'Leave it to a Bradshaw to take on a bunch of drunken Cajuns,' " Bradshaw quipped. Bradshaw said he was actually having fun with the LSU students and admitted that he did his part to rile them up. Still, he never felt like anything got out of hand. "Coming from Memphis, where you have life-threatening fans, I never heard anything too bad," Bradshaw said. "I'm not scared of a frat kid at LSU. I'm more scared of a gang-banger in Memphis."
I need that quote from Chris Rock about not being worried about reporters but black people right about now :hihi:
No...it's not. In fact, I was expecting to hear something like: "dumb, ignorant Cajuns".... "Drunken Cajuns" I can handle....Frankly, we ALL should handle it because we use that phrase on ourselves--like a badge of honor sometimes...
Well said. Kind of like when my husband tells me I drive like a crazy Yat. I take that as a compliment!
Im not sure what you exactly mean by comparing him to John Rocker? Rocker basically made himself a celebrity by putting down minorities. People mess with the cajun thing all the time in good fun...
From those comments, it doesn't sound like he is bashing anyone? If anything, it sounds like the truth. And who cares if he would say something negative against a murderous, violent group of gang bangers......