The Miami allegations uncovered this dirty little topic ... and we now know there are a lot of dirty deeds done dirt cheap The Dorsey Chop Block comes to mind immediately! If you don't believe "bounties" and put on players ... you're living in a fantasy world. When I played and just after I left LSU, rumor had it there was a bounty on Charles Alexander, as he bacame a marked man with his Heisman campaign. I watched him take several wicked hits (cheap shots) before he finally went down against Georgia. The years have passed since the seventies ... but how come we still hear this crap today ... Miami allegations I wonder who at LSU has a bounty on them ... and if we have anyone at all worth putting a bounty on!
Heard tell it was $250 K at Auburn ... Finebaum & Sheridan ... with a discount for MSU to $180 ... ... Jokes aside ... BOUNTY IS TO INJURE A PLAYER, NOT GET HIM TO COME TO YOUR SCHOOL
I know what a bounty is, but Ya, I bet some schools *cough Bama * Had a bounty out on him. Maybe even Moo U as well.
If I had known that Auburn would get away with what they did last year ... A :crystal: bought and paid for by Lowder and Company I would have given up one of my 4 farms and put a $1 Million bounty on his arse before the LSU game!
I am shocked he made it through the season injury free, as much as he ran, and as many teams that had it out for him. But all off the field issues aside, hats off to the kid, it truly is a phenomenal athlete
Thankfully red wasn't spouting off that he wouldn't make it through an "SEC season" this time. He learned after making the mistake saying that Tebow wouldn't.