What was that all about on Gameday just now? I am all for humor, but did this piece reflect well on the LSU football team, or sell more butt paste for Mr. Boudreaux? :geaux:
Mr. Boudreaux is a great guy. Recently when he was informed that an orphanage in Addis Abba, Ethiopia had a problem with diaper rash, he personally sent several cases of his butt paste there.
Gameday had a whole big story on LSU. Unfortunately it wasn't about our prospects for a National Championship, SEC Championship, or even the Western Division Championship. While they were building up USC and OSU for the NC, they do a story about Butt Paste and LSU. A total lack of respect if you ask me. On a side note, lots of Tigers here in Tuscaloosa, can't wait until 6:45.:lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug:
i agree with you marc...why could they not have done a story about Saban, or the defense, or anything but BUTT PASTE! I hope Saban shows the team that clip to give them an idea of how little respect they are getting, and they demolish BAMA tonight. They better do something classier next week, like reliving Cannon's big return against Ole Miss on Halloween.
Exactly right. Hopefully this all just more fuel to the fire. It's time to send a message to the ESPN jerks and everyone else in the country.
OK...hold on. Did anyone see the fact or fiction segment earlier? The premise: Fact or Fiction--Ole Miss will win the SEC West. All three commentators said NO! 'LSU is the best team in the West and they will prove it over the next 3 games. Defense is tops and Ole Miss O will not have a chance. Offense w/ Mauck is best in West and Ole Miss defense doesn't have anything for them.' Not direct quotes but you get the jist. So to have a little fun in another segment is OK by me.
I didn't get to see that segment. They change their opinion every 5 minutes though, it will be interesting to see who they pick next week if OSU loses and they show up for GameDay in Oxford.