Typical of Big Business. Boeing wants to deny overtime to their employees who are ex-military under the new overtime regulations. Typical of Big Business when it comes to employees and benefits they are oh so laissez faire. But when it comes to handouts from the Government, they are more than happy to interact with Government for mutual benefit. Ha! I'm sure Boeing has filed more than a couple of amicus briefs supporting buggery and diversity, after all, they are such good corporate citizens concerned with the common man. But, when it comes to actually paying workers who don't define themsleves by what they sleep with, well they just don't have that much charity in their hearts. Especially for those who defended this country for a measley paycheck, rather than psuedo-defending this country for a huge government contract.
Its typical of Big Business's like Boeing. They are happy to pay benefits to buggerers partners. But not overtime to ex-military persons. Shows a warped sense of priorities, typical of Big Business.
I saw a buggery lobbist fly by yesterday in a big ole fur coat smokin one of them big cuban cigars and singing big business songs. He rolled down his bullet proof glass and threw me a cute little candy Stock Blue chip. He looked so benevolent too, I shoulda taken a picture and posted it. Almost brought tears to my eyes! My touch with fame, just thought I'd share! :dis:
i didnt even know what buggery was until an english girl i know told me recently. i need to get out more i guess.