Great find! The best part: Positive basketball news in July - can we spin this? I'm sure some will try.
I can't believe Brady is making the guys play. I can't believe Brady is allowing those free throws to bother him. Why didn't Brady sign Lebron James, so Big Baby wouldn't have to shoot free throws. Why did John Brady recruit such a good player, when we all knew he would miss free throws at some point.
Big Baby has been getting alot of national attention (relatively) this off season. I hope he can be the leader that I think he can be & take this team to their highest potential. Another article I read about him said that his goal is to win the national championship. I was pretty shocked by that.
I wasn't necessarily shocked that this was the team's preseason goal, just shocked that Big Baby came out & said that it was his goal. I was just picking fun because he came to LSU with that goal... He's obviously a very determined player, and I think we are going to be awesome next year with him & Tasmin Mitchell getting lots of attention.
Glen reminds me in a lot of ways of Marcus Spears... A big, fun loving type of guy... I think he will continue to be great, and somehow, I see him being a 4 year Tiger.
You've really got to give Davis a lot of credit. He's exactly the type of player and personality this program needs. As good as Bass was, his type of play and demeanor did not lend itself to exposure, Davis' does. Basketball, above the other sports, has the capacity for a player to put a team on the map. In football, you've got 10 other guys on the field and all 11 have helmets on. In basketball, you're much more visible and every facial expression can be captured. Davis is becoming a great ambassador for this team. Sportswriters and TV/Radio commentators latch on to personalities and they are really latching on to his. If this team can follow his lead, and provide a product with substance, he may very well do what Stro and others had a much harder time AND get others (recruits and teamates) to follow his lead. Props to Big Baby!