One name stand far above any others: Knute Kenneth Rockne 105-12-5 81.1% and 6 National Championships
Bryant probably gets my vote, cause I saw him coach. Rockne is on the list. Add Bud Wilkinson at Oklahoma in the 50's, he didn't lose a game for like 3 years.
1. Rockne(was ahead of his time, going out west to play USC, the 4 horsemen and of course he won big at ole notre dame) 2. Bear Bryant 3. Bud Wilkinson
Off the top I would cast my vote for Bud Wilkinson. An interesting stat is another OU coach, Barry Switzer had a higher winning percentage than Wilkinson, 83.7 vs 82.6
Bryant is good, but you have to have Amos Alonzo Stagg Pop Warner Bud Wilkinson Joe Paterno John McKay Ara Parasegian--even though he wussed out and played for a tie in 1966 Knute Rockne Bobby Bowden Bo Schembechler--though he never won a national title Woody Hayes Biggie Munn Tom Osburne Darrel Royal Fritz Crisler Walter Camp Vince Dooley Barry Switzer Eddie Robinson
Tom Osburne??? Being mentioned as one of the greatest coaches of all time? He had a few good seasons (1 awesome one)--Wow... Im sorry but he doesn't belong on the same list as Bear Bryant, Joe Pa, and Bobby Bowden! Oh yeah, my vote goes to...... Lee Corso!!!!!:thumb: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I notice nobody mentioned Pete Carrol, who love him or hate him, has done a pretty incredible job in a very short amount of time.
You live in Minnesota and you are leaving out Bernie Bierman and John Gagliardi ? Bernie Bierman was the top coach in the nation from 1931 to 1941. 4 national titles. John Gagliardi won 421 games. (.77 winning percentage over 56 years)