I have got to go with my man Coach K, he is a winner and a great recruiter. He is followed by Roy Williams I love his style of basketball and he is always in the mix come March.
Hi, My name is CParso. I'll go with John Brady. Coach K and Rick Patino are way overrated, imo.... btw, did I mention Nick Saban was a "good" coach, not really a "great" coach?:hihi:
As far as pure coaching, got to go with Coach K at the top, followed by Tom Izzo. As far as the up-tempo/pressing and trapping teams, I like Roy Williams, Rick Pitino, Billy Donavan.
Well - the three mentioned are far and away the best. In this order 1.Coack K 2.Rick Patino 3A.Roy Williams 3B.Bobby Knight Now all time not in the game today 1. J Wooden 2. A Rupp 3. D Smith Explinations available upon request.:lsup:
I had the chance to meet both Coach Thompsons on a trip i took up to D.C. for a recruiting trip at Georgetown. Both guys are pretty cool and they both know a great deal about the game. I enjoyed the time I spent while i was around them....but :geauxtige ...i'm a tiger at heart baby
Roy WIlliams is the best recruiter in college basketball... What other coach could build a decent team after losing his top 7 scorers from a title team? Just wait until he gets his 5, 5 star studs in there next year... They will be something to see... A close 2nd is Rick Pitino, because the man just wins everywhere he goes, and #3 is Coach K... The margin between these three men are SO close though