Sam's Choice Instant Charcoal $6.50 for a 13 lb bag Beats the hell out of Kingsford (almost $10 at Wal Mart), which I had to use lighter fluid on even though they were "instant". The Sam's Choice I can't get the fire to go out, that's how long it will burn.
not really since it is made from all hardwoods. you can get it a lot hotter though. it lights easier, burns better, and it is easy to control its temp. if im cooking a butt or ribs all day on something like an old smokey ill just use what you recommended. but i like lump for things like steaks.
Lump charcoal from Sam's. 40 lb bag for $14 in a nice, poly bag. There are some HUGE pieces in it, but it's veay good stuff at a great price. Lump lights faster, burns hotter, and leaves very little ash compared to briquettes. I usually end up with a lot left over after it burns out to use to start the next fire. Chemically it responds more to oxygen (so I'm told) so it's easier to control the temperature of your fire using vents and such. The thing with briquettes is that there are too many chemicals in it. It's basically sawdust and pieces of wood compressed and treated with chemicals. Just make sure that you don't throw any food down on the grill until they're completely white.