Obama Benghazi

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, May 10, 2013.

  1. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Go ahead and talk about beavers, my friend, I prefer it trimmed up a little. Just sayin
    GiantDuckFan and gyver like this.
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    The operation was already blown. I am pissed that the Administration, the CIA, and the State Department obscured details that were truthful in order to placate terrorists.

    Failure....a failure to communicate is what we have here...or Strother Martin would say so anyway. You have provided one, I repeat, ONE report as proof that all the facts are out. They are not and may never be. I gave you plenty to consider. That's all it was intended as. Now, what did they do wrong? The ARB report has some details for you. In the bigger picture, they ran the ship that ran aground. Leaders are responsible or at least they should take responsibility. For me Obama's biggest flaw (in this situation) is putting Brennan in charge and then allowing him a free hand. If you go back and look, I clearly stated that, unrelated to this issue, Obama has used SpecOps in a deplorable attempt to gain PR. I also said he wasn't the first, won't be the last, and Bush/Cheney are in the same despot category IMO.

    Hillary? The State Department was her asset. The errors that night were numerable. Senior management under her leadership made horrible decisions. She has carefully steered clear of taking any specific blame and we all know why. Same reason she didn't dump her husband after he had her go on national TV to blame a vast right wing conspiracy for lying about the hummers he'd been getting and preparing his eventual "I did not have sexual relations" excuse. The most she could muster was to ask "what does it matter at this point?". The surviving family members don't share her point of view.

    SpecOps talkers these days can shorten their life span significantly. But exactly why would former guys from Viet Nam not be allowed a seat at the table of questioning corruption? Their agenda may be spot on....not to mention that the Halliburton corruption of their era is still fomenting in this era. Why not get at the truth? Because the truth is a lie.
  3. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    So step away from Hillary and Obama.....if Boehner, McCain, Pelosi, and Reid would all get out of DC, Americans would be better off. The only good thing I've seen in Congress in recent memory is Paul's filibuster on drones. He was fighting for one of the few freedoms we have left. Lord knows we no longer have Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Religion, or even Freedom to Assemble. Before too long, we won't have the right to bear arms.
    tigerchick46 and gyver like this.
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I never said I liked hairy beavers bro but hairy beaver Is better than no beaver
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    point well-made and well-noted, sir; I can offer no disagreement to this point.
  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Your obviously very passionate about the subject, but your facts just don't add up. I will grant you that I mistakenly thought the ARB report contained more testimonies than it did, but the truth is that all of the "missing" testimonies that you listed were eventually conducted before the congressional committee. Like I said before, your story about the CIA operation seem likely enough. CIA agents, in conjunction with special forces, conduct missions all over the world and just about every day. Most of the time, things go our way but sometimes they do not.

    To my larger point, you have correctly indicted me for mistating testimonies in the ARB report, but you have failed miserably at convincing me that there was criminal wrong doing or a cover up that rises to the level of being criminal. It just isn't so. While I mourn the loss of these brave Americans I do not feel the need to lay the blame any where else than upon the very premises for which these brave souls died: our freedom and safety.
  7. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    LSUTiga likes this.
  8. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Gag orders and new identities for the 28 CIA operatives that were involved in Benghazi. Sure is a lot of trouble and expense to go through for a phony little scam. And that's just to keep them from testifying in front of congress.
    LSUTiga likes this.
  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    TINC is stubborn when it comes to being objective though I have seen glimpses of it, at times. Regardess, the snipet below, from your link, is pissing off on several levels.

  10. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Where's Jason Bourne when you need him.

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