so are we arguing that the ARB was perfect, which Mark Thompson, Gregory Hicks and Eric Nordstrom seemed to agree it was, or are we arguing that there was some "scandal" surrounding the events of 9/11/12? Fact is, every source that you cited for not being interviewed by the ARB was indeed interviewed by the Congressional inquiry. So, your so called smoking gun witnesses, that were going to turn everything on it's head, were indeed interviewed so when are we going to get to the juicy stuff that you guys keep claiming is right around the corner? Talk about deflecting. I am convinced all is well because the evidence supports that position. To date, I have challenged you to present evidence that contradicts this but you've been unable to do so. In fact, every person who you claim should have been interviewed....WAS interviewed. You have nothing, nada, except of course for the "good word" from your friend who apparently is in the know about these things. When in the hell are you going to actually produce something of substance to support all this lip service?
is this the best you got? that Obama should have learned from Bush's mistakes? come on point is that Obama is no more to blame than Bush was. this is a terrible tragedy and I hate the fact that four Americans were killed but this is not a scandal, it is not a cover is a tragedy.
She can't even formulate a good argument that Benghazi was some kind of cover up so now she is trying to say that I mistakenly claimed a few witnesses were interviewed by the ARB instead of congress. But what does it matter? Everyone has now been interviewed and we still have not one damn thing....nothing. Next issue please....
ever watch Duck Dynasty? love that watching Phil and Si trying to blow up beaver dams..... off topic but relevant none the less....
Heck yeah. I enjoy that show. One of the few that I don't mind my kids watching. I hate beaver. They dam up the culvert in the duck hole and it pisses me off big time. I usually catch 3-5 a year. 2 summers ago I put 11 or 12 to rest. Conabears and snares. "The beaver are just like the Vietcong. They live in a hole and only come out at night" uncle Si
I found a stick of plastic explosive in my shed. Can't remember the name but it looked like a summer sausage. Must've tasted like it too. I laid it down and my yard dog ate it. I should've taken him down to the beaver dam and let him crap on it. Might have been able to detonate the tird with a well placed 223 round.
Don't want to know why you had plastic explosive in your shed but I would caution against putting it out there like that. The feds might be a little more inquisitive. Not saying it aint true but if it was plastic explosive it wasn't military grade because it doesn't look like summer sausage, and it is a sort of off white color, the consistency of old playdough that has been left uncovered for a while. No, regardless of military or civilian explosive you could have shot it all day long and it would not have exploded, maybe if you hit it with a tracer. You need heat AND pressure to make it go boom. Hell we used to cook beans with C-4. Light it on fire and let it burn, just can't ever stomp it out.