Before all the Brady bashers come out, please keep this in mind..

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSUstudent, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    1 more thing also...

    We have a Mr Kentucky in basketball that hasn't been on the floor
    in 1 game that I'm aware of..........


    If the players aren't getting it done now, why isn't other players
    playing of the bench.

    They certainly couldn't do any worse....:shock:

    IMO, its the coaches job to fix things when its not working and
    I'm waiting for that to happen how many games into the season?

    Coaches do make adjustments right?
  2. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    Gumborue, you an have your opinion and I guess I can have mind. No sense debating the merits of this team or last years team as we will just disagree. I thought we had some good talent last year and didn't come close to reaching our potential. The year before that was worse. This year looks like it is going to be terrible. He is the leader of the program and he is the one to get the blame when the program isn't good. I think it isn't good you think it is. I would be surprised if we win more than 3 SEC games. We will be the underdog in all but 2 of them from the looks of it.
  3. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    dont know why nelter isnt playing. unless you see practice, i guess you have to trust the coach--i bet he's either too bad on D or too many turnovers. plus its not like were hurting for post players, or is he a big 3?

    not sure if i agree with this philosophy, but maybe brady has a system that he wants to teach and there will be growing pains for young players. i cant see chaney coaching like pitino or vice versa.

    i dont think it matters so much who starts, but who gets playing time.

    i forgot to give kudos to koundja for his play last night---9 boards and he actually hit two shots. hopefully he's getting on track.
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    OK - One more word

    Ole SabanFan is logging this thread in his memory so you guys can have a little snack when this team hits it's stride.;)
  5. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    i have no problem disagreeing with you, but we probably dont disagree as much as you think. while i do think brady needs some more time before we axe him, i was getting flack a couple of weeks ago for predicting 9-7 sec record AT BEST. now i'd have to predict we win Ark, Miss, Aub. with a decent shot against Kent, Geor, USC and @Aub----so all totalled, 7-9.

    I think that would make us 17-10 going into SEC tourn. With only one win there we probably need a marquee win (UK, UF, MSU, Vandy) to have a decent chance at the NCAAs.
  6. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    LSU's RPI was 17 going into last nights game. Go 8-8 in conference win a game in the SEC tournament and finish 19-10 we're in. At 7-9 it'll probably take a win over Ky or MSU to be sure. Utah will be considered a QW.
  7. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    Don't know nuthin bout basketball.

    I don't know much about coaching basketball, but I've watched enough of this LSU basketball team to know that this is NOT a good basketball team.


  8. Jetstorm

    Jetstorm Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I'm not going to jump ship on Brady just yet. He has had several huge obstacles to overcome as LSU coach, like:

    -NCAA penalties specifically designed to dismantle the program.

    -one of the worst, most decayed home arenas in major college basketball, certainly in the SEC (but hopefully, the long overdue PMAC renovations will fix this)

    -a budget and front office support that is okay by most standards, but not up to par with the elite powers of college basketball (ie. UConn, Kentucky, North Carolina, Arizona, etc.)

    -pathetic fan support 90% of the time

    -the fact that the men's basketball program is not only dwarfed by football, but now 3rd in line to baseball. LSU is one of the few campuses in America where basketball is not AT LEAST the 2nd highest profile sport on campus.

    That said, the loss to Ole Miss last night was absolutely disgraceful and absolutely unacceptable. There is no reason whatsoever we should be held to only 49 points and shoot 36% from the field. We scored ONE BASKET in the final 11 minutes of the game and missed FIVE FREE THROWS in the final five minutes. Missed FT's comes down to one thing; our players don't shoot enough of them in practice. As for the scoring droughts due to zone, as was said in the movie Passing Glory, "The ball doesn't fall in, you have to put it in."

    There are three ways to break the zone;

    1) Step behind the three point line and start chunking the rock (Apparently, we can't shoot well enough to do that)

    2) Brutally pound the ball inside. We're trying it this way, and it ain't working. It usually doesn't unless you have three seven footers making up your front line.

    3) Run motion with organized plays and multiple screens. I'm told we run a motion offense. I really couldn't tell that by watching us play. Basically, we fumble and stumble around with the basketball for 30 seconds and then heave up a prayer at the end or are forced into a turnover by a bad pass. That's gotta be resolved. Brady has shown abilities to make the team adapt and adjust in the past. He'd better show that ability really quick, because we have absolutely SUCKED the last two games.

    Regis Koundja needs to be put on the bench. He is never a threat to score, which is only putting more defensive pressure on the other four guys. Antonio Hudson must shoot more. I don't understand why he is so hesitant to be a scorer and a leader. If he wanted to just be role player he should have gone to a place already overflowing with talent. I don't expect him to be THE STAR, but I do expect him to be a star.

    And Brady has to go out and sell the program to get more fans in the seats. He's done a few commercials, but that's not enough. He's got to be highly visible on campus and in the community. This is not football, so thousands of people are not just gonna show up. You have to SELL THE PROGRAM! And he could be doing more in that regard.

    I'm not quitting on him just yet. But I see several areas where improvement is needed.
  9. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    i cant understand why butts arent in the seats. i think the quality of basketball has been excellent considering the scholarship limitations, and above average quality not even considering that.

    i guess the last dale years and first brady years wiped out all enthusiasm from the 80s-93. i just would have thought much of it would have returned with the 2000 season , a good team last year, and a helluva freshman class.
  10. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    I know you Brady lovers don't want to hear this, but lots of fans simply don't like Brady for a variety of reasons. They aren't going to spend their hard earn dollar to watch him coach a medicore team. They will only show up when the team is doing really well, which hasn't been often under Brady.

    I'm sure you will probably disagree, but I know many, many Tiger fans who fall into this category.

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